Our education system is set-up to help us learn more about the outside world. Most of us were guided to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic... for the most part, we're glad we did.
NOW, as adults in kindergarten, we get to learn what excites us, what our natural skills are, what we enjoy doing and BEing! We get to learn more about our inner world and to create an outer world we want to live in.
NOT the one society says you “should'' have. NOT the one your parents think you “ought” to have. NOT everyone wants a white picket fence and 2.5 children. Careers in computers, math, and science aren’t everyone’s jam no matter how much they pay.
Miserable is miserable and besides, LIFE is better in color, art, creativity, and fun!
Why kindergarten and why the inner 5-year-old? Because this is the time when you were still YOU. It’s when you didn’t care what anyone thought, you enjoyed just BEing. You enjoyed things “just because” you were playful, fun, and happy discovering yourself and the world around you. The world definitely revolves around you and that’s okay. In fact, it was pretty awesome.
It’s time to find, play, and start to love that adorable, cute, fun inner 5-year-old!
Your Inner Child is that playful, innocent, and curious part of yourself: the part that has no judgments about the world yet because it has not deemed things “good or bad,” or “right or wrong.” For now, things are just things, and you’re curious about these things!
Things are interesting, as we look with new eyes, as if seeing them for the first time! We were still learning how our bodies work as a tool. How do our hands work? How do they draw and write and paint and color? How do our legs move or run? How do things smell and taste? Life is fun and interesting when you choose to see it in a NEW way.
Treat your Inner Child as if you had an actual 5-year old and you want to love this child like you’ve never been loved before! Treat your Inner Child with patience, kindness, with the love and understanding that they deserve. Say only loving, helpful, encouraging things to your Inner Child, like a loving, nurturing parent would.
This early dialog becomes the language that we use with ourselves later in life, and it’s important! So, if your early dialog sucked, aka your parents/caregivers were not so patient and kind, we get to redo, undo, and replace this early dialog in Adult Kindergarten.
For example: remind yourself in new situations, that you’ve never had this situation before and there’s no way you could have known “What to DO” or “How to act”. Like when your car breaks down in a strange city, or you go on an exciting date, or ANY new situation that presents itself.
You handled it as best you could with the tools and information you had at that time.
Even if you look back in hindsight and think ...
“I should have done (enter impossible to know thing here).”
Instead, say to yourself kindly, “This was a new situation and there’s NO WAY I could have known better, I did my best”
That’s all you could do.
You handled the situation as best you knew how.
Good job YOU!